Yangchen was an overnight stop for mule caravans that carried coal, raw cotton, pots, and iron goods on six-week or three-month journeys. They distrusted them as foreigners, and were not disposed to listen to them. Most of the residents had seen no Europeans other than Mrs.

She arrived in Vladivostok and sailed from there to Japan and from Japan to Tientsin, and thence by train, then bus, then mule, to the inland city of Yangchen, in the mountainous province of Shansi, a little south of Peking (Beijing). She did not have enough money for the ship fare, but did have enough for the train fare, and so in October of 1930 she set out from London with her passport, her Bible, her tickets, and two pounds ninepence, to travel to China by the Trans-Siberian Railway, despite the fact that China and the Soviet Union were engaged in an undeclared war. Lawson and was accepted if she could get to China. Jeannie Lawson, who was looking for a younger woman to carry on her work. Then she heard of a 73-year-old missionary, Mrs. She worked at other jobs and saved her money. At the age of 26, she became a probationer at the China Inland Mission Center in London, but was failed to pass the examinations. Gladys responded to the message, and soon after became convinced that she was called to preach the Gospel in China. She worked for several years as a parlormaid, and then attended a revival meeting at which the preacher spoke of dedicating one’s life to the service of God. Gladys Aylward was born in London in 1904 (or a few years earlier). We had to read this book for class: The Adventure Of A Lifetime, Gladys Aylward.